Tribute to SK Maurice C. McGleish Jr.
As a tribute to my late father, Maurice (Bud) McGleish, I set up this propagation beacon which runs 24/7 on the 10 meter ham band. My father’s callsign, K8CPW was transferred to me after his passing and I wanted to keep it alive and active. The radio is an Icom 751 which originally belonged to my father and was passed down to me. If you hear the beacon, pse QSL. Thank you
Silent Key SMSGT Maurice C. McGleish Jr. (k8cpw)
About the Beacon
Beacon Transmitter: Icom IC-751
Antenna: Dipole
Freq: 28.262.5 Mhz. IARU Coordinated
Pwr: 5 watts
Grid: EL96bq / Fort Myers, FL
Message: VVV de K8cpw/b 5W EL96 PSE QSL – Tone (listen to message below)

Click here to see received QSL Reports & Audio

Photo from ARRL field day, QRP from the field.
Terry McGleish
QSL Reports
When it comes to QSL’s, I’m old school. I prefer direct qsl, and always return qsl to you. No SASE required.
QSL to:
Terry McGleish – K8cpw/b
258 San Bernardino St
North Fort Myers, FL 33903 USA
Or email your reports to: terry@k8cpw.com
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